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Installing Zimbra on a Single Server Using Ansible

The role ansible-zimbra-single automates the installation of single-server Zimbra Open Source Edition v8.8.15 and v9.0.0 on CentOS 7, CentOS 8, Rocky Linux 8, Ubuntu 18.04, and Ubuntu 20.04.

Installation Prerequisites#

  1. Must be a fresh CentOS 7, CentOS 8, Rocky Linux 8, Ubuntu 18.04, or Ubuntu 20.04 minimal installation.

  2. Static network configuration must be already set.

  3. Ansible control node must have the netaddr Python module installed.

Installing Ansible and netaddr module using pip

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo python3 -m pip install ansible
sudo python3 -m pip install netaddr

Clone The Repository#

git clone

Example Playbook#


Ansible managed node tested to run as root user only!

Create playbook similar to below:

nano site.yml
- hosts: zimbra
zimbra_timezone: Asia/Colombo
zimbra_admin_password: ChangeMe@1
- ansible-zimbra-single

Change the following roles variables to suit your needs in your play book

zimbra_timezone: Asia/Colombo
zimbra_admin_password: ChangeMe@1

Modify the hosts file in the repository root directory#

sudo nano ansible-zimbra-single/hosts
  • Modify the ip address of your zimbra server as per your setup
  • Then run as follows:
ansible-playbook -i ansible-zimbra-single/hosts site.yml --tags install
  • If you want to setup Zimbra 9 instead:
ansible-playbook -i ansible-zimbra-single/hosts site.yml --tags zimbra9

Other Features#

The job also installs Fail2Ban, which is preconfigured with jails and filters. They can be found in the /etc/fail2ban directory.

fail2ban-client status


|- Number of jail: 4
`- Jail list: sshd, zimbra-admin, zimbra-smtp, zimbra-webmail


MIT License

Credits to Original Author#

Dear Jan: We could not have done this so easily without your excellent effort and contributions to the community.